
Services offered by Pichotta Homes include new home log and stick construction, remodeling and additions. We specialize in cabins and cottages. In addition we build metal pole buildings, garages and decks.

Why Choose Pichotta Homes for your Project?

No matter what the size of your project you will receive the best quality and value. Mike will be on site through all phases of the project. At Pichotta Homes, we are committed to quality and service. We will be flexible with 863487-R1-024-10A_010changes throughout the process to ensure you are happy with the final results. We are fully insured and UDC certified. With over 24 years of experience building in the Fox Valley and North woods, we are the right choice for your next building project.


For your next building project, consider Pichotta Homes, LLC
“Where Every Client is a Reference”

The Quality Custom Home Builder With Over 30 Years of Experience.

Serving the Lakewood and Townsend areas of Northern Wisconsin as well as Marinette County, Forest County, and Langlade County in Northern Wisconsin.